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Getting your static caravan summer season ready
The weather is getting warmer, the holiday parks are opening up, and it’s time to get ready for summer and show your static caravan some love. To help you get ready quicker, we’ve created an easy checklist to follow.
We ask Bailey: What is a caravan berth and which one do I need?
Choosing a caravan can be a bit overwhelming, especially when you hear terms such as berths, axles, layouts, MTPLM, and total user payload.
What to do if your car breaks down
If your car starts making unusual noises, strange vibrations, or you see smoke coming from the engine, it might be about to break down. What should you do next?
Are you planning to drive abroad?
Driving abroad can be an exciting adventure. But it can be daunting too. If you’re new to driving abroad or need a little refresher, this article will help.
8 ways to keep your leisure home more secure
What’s the best way to keep your log cabin, chalet or lodge secure when you’re not there? Our 8 tips are a good place to start.
What should you do after a car accident?
Accidents happen. But knowing that doesn’t make it any less stressful and upsetting if it happens to you. Knowing what to do can help though.
Brushing off the winter blues
If you’re keen to get out and enjoy your motorhome after a winter break, you’ll need to make sure it’s ready for the road. Our pre-season checks will help you get going quickly and safely.
7 reasons to love your motorhome
For many, a motorhome offers the freedom to escape everyday life for a little while, to be spontaneous and go wherever the mood takes you. At Lifesure, we love motorhomes too.
How Often Does My Motorhome Tyre Pressure Need To Be Checked?
Maintaining the right motorhome tyre pressure is crucial for enjoyable driving and your safety. Read our tips on keeping your motorhome tyres in top condition.
Is buying a park home right for me?
The affordability of park homes makes them an appealing option for people wanting to downsize or access money tied up in their property. If it’s an option you’re considering, this article might help.
Does your park home site have a residents’ association?
Being part of a residents’ association on a park home site can have many advantages. But what is it? This article answers some frequently asked questions about residents’ associations.
A Beginners Guide to Buying a Static Caravan
If the thought of going to your favourite holiday destination whenever you want sounds appealing, buying a static caravan could be perfect.
Does your static caravan need a TV Licence?
Many owners aren’t sure about whether they need a separate TV Licence for their static caravan. Getting it wrong could lead to expensive fines. This article helps you get it right.
A guide to towing your caravan
You’ve bought a caravan and you’re excited to get out and explore. What do you need to know about towing before you set off?
Probably The Best Caravans In The World
With so many caravans to choose from this list contains quite a few expensive vans. However, not all of them are out of the price range of us mere mortals.
Importing A Motorhome From Japan
Looking for a campervan or motorhome? The market isn't just restricted to VW's as there are plenty of Japanese models worth a look and at better prices.
Interior Design Your Caravan
Caravans are more than just a vehicle, more than just accommodation, or a place to kip for the night. Read on for ideas to improve and update your caravan.
Essential Caravan Accessories
These are some of those essential caravanning items that you may well miss off your list when stocking up, especially if this is your first caravan.
New Guide For Caravan Tyre Pressures
Before a trip it is essential to check the tyres and tyre pressures on your caravan. This guide helps you to check that your tyres are correctly inflated.
Travelling With Your Dog In A Caravan Or Motorhome
If you have a puppy or have never taken your dog out in your motorhome or caravan, here are some tips and hints to help you and them have a happy trip.
Buying An Imported Car - A UK Guide
Importing a car? One thing that may be helpful is understanding that imported cars can be put into two major categories, Parallel Imports and Grey Imports.
Import Cars, What You Should Know Before Purchasing
Import cars are typically placed into three different categories, Personal, Grey and Parallel imports. Here we provide advice on purchasing and importing.
Buying A Mobile Home - What To Consider
When buying your first mobile home, there are several things that need to be considered. Our guide looks at what you need be aware of including the costs.
Your Mobile Home - The Pros And Cons Of Letting It Out
Practical advice if you are considering letting out your mobile home, including what you need to know about HMRC and a basic inventory of contents needed.
Is park home ownership a good investment?
If you are considering moving into a residential park home, you may be wondering if it will be a worthwhile investment. Our guide tells you what to consider.
Keeping Unwanted Visitors Out Of Your Caravan
Caravanning can have some drawbacks; mainly the various creepy-crawlies! To avoid sharing your accommodation with tiny visitors, follow these handy hints.
Towing Capacity For A Caravan Or Trailer
Before you decide which caravan or trailer to purchase, you must first work out what the towing vehicle can safely and legally manage. Read our free guide.
Using The Internet In Your Caravan Or Motorhome
Read our guide on how to stay connected to the Internet whilst traveling in your caravan or motorhome. There's no need to pay expensive site connection fees
Are You Licensed To Drive A Motorhome?
If you’re new to motorhomes or are considering buying your first van, you may not have realised that your driving license may not cover you for driving it.
How To Watch Television In Your Caravan Or Motorhome
The use of televisions in caravans and motorhomes is becoming more popular, but how do you get a signal? Read our guide to the options available to you.
Carbon Monoxide Poisoning in Your Caravan or Motorhome - The Risks
Carbon monoxide is a silent killer. Read our guide on how to avoid poisoning in your caravan or motorhome and recognising the potentially deadly symptoms.
Raining Again? What To Do With Children In A Caravan Or Motorhome
Even in a confined space there are still plenty of games and things to do if it is raining and most don't cost a lot of money. Read on for lots of ideas.
Unfair Terms In Static Caravan Agreements
When coming to an agreement with the site owner keep an eye on the terms and conditions for anything which may prove to be unfair. Read our guide for advice
Winterising Your Static Caravan
Before winter arrives there are things you need to do to ensure your static caravan is prepared for the elements. This guide gives some helpful hints & tips
Setting Up A Park Home Residents’ Association
Residents of any mobile home or static caravan park are entitled to set up a residents' association to represent themselves as home owners. We show you how.
Decorating Your Caravan On A Budget
Jazzing up your caravan can be extremely rewarding, with the right mindset and a bit of time to do it all in you can achieve beautiful and dazzling results!
Towing With Your Motorhome - What You Need To Know
If you are considering towing with your motorhome but are not sure what you are looking for, our guide looks at the different types available and the law.
Caravan Towing Mirrors – Make Sure You Know The Law
Towing mirrors are a legal requirement for the majority of cars including 4x4’s that are towing a caravan or trailer. Read our free guide to staying legal.
Do You Hold A TV Licence For Your Static Caravan?
The home TV licence is only valid for use in the types of holiday accommodation when the home TV will never be used at the same time as that in the caravan.
Using Your Motorhome In Cold Weather
If you plan to use your motorhome during the autumn or winter, bear in mind that you will need to do things slightly differently than during the summer.
Long Journey? Make An Overnight Stop At A Motorway Service Area
It is not advisable to drive long distances in one go regardless of whether you are towing or not. Some motorway service areas allow overnight parking.
Winter Caravanning Tips
Modern caravans with their new construction and heating systems mean that caravanning all year round is now feasible. Read our guide to staying comfortable.
How Cool Is Your Camper?
In the past cooling yourself down in a caravan or motorhome meant opening the doors and windows and hoping for a through breeze. There is now an alternative
Mazda Bongo Towing Weights
If you wish to tow with your Mazda Bongo it can be difficult to find out what is legal. Here is our guide to towing safely with your Bongo
Cracked Shower? Speedcoat It!
Caravan and motorhome owners will be aware of the problems of cracked showers. Fortunately there is a solution that doesn't involve replacing the whole unit
A Comprehensive Guide To Tyres
Everything you need to know about tyres. The new ratings, how to change a tyre, are winter tyres necessary, tyre markings, choosing the right tyres and more
Caravan Registration Scheme – Why You Need To Register
CRiS is the national register for touring caravan owners in the UK and there are numerous advantages to signing up including help if it gets stolen.
How To Safely Transport Bicycles
With various options available to those wishing to transport their bikes on the back of a vehicle, it can be a bit confusing. We look at the differences.
Smartphone Apps For Caravan And Motorhome Owners
With a wide range of apps to help you on your caravan holidays, from site finders to ideas for days out to caravan levellers - start planning your trip here
Caravan VINs – Cracking The Code
The number etched on your caravan window isn't a random series of numbers and letters, it actually means something. We show you how to decode yours.
Heading To Spain? A Guide To The New Driving Laws
If you intend to drive in Spain this year, read our guide to their new tougher driving laws and staying on the right side of the police.
A Guide To Solar Panels For Caravans and Motorhomes
Solar panels for caravans & motorhomes are becoming more popular. But with so many on the market what do you choose? Read our guide to what's available
How To Avoid Damp In Caravans And Getting Rid Of It
Water ingress, damp and mold can be a nightmare for a caravan owner. But what should you do? Read our guide to avoiding damp and getting rid of it.
How To Avoid Common Caravan Scams When Buying Second-Hand
There are many bargains to be found when buying a second-hand caravan, but there are also some pitfalls. Read our guide to making sure you get a good deal.
Motorhomes and Seatbelts – The Law
We all know the law about seatbelts right? Motorhomes have always been a bit more tricky. Read our guide to staying on the right side of the law.
Checking For And Dealing With Damp In Motorhomes
Unfortunately water ingress and damp can be a problem in motorhomes for a number of reasons. Read our guide to keeping your motorhome as dry as possible.
What You Need To Know About Tyre Pressure Monitoring Systems
Tyre Pressure Monitoring Systems are now being fitted to all new vehicles by law. But do you know what the benefits are and how they can help you?
Everything you need to know about caravan & motorhome leisure batteries
Every caravan and motorhome has a leisure battery, but what is the difference between these and a car battery, and how do you look after one? Read our guide.
Adapting Your Caravan Or Motorhome To Cater For Disabilities
Getting older or having a disability does not mean that you have to miss out on the fun of caravan holidays. There are plenty of adaptions that can be made.
A Guide To Caravan Breakaway Cables
The breakaway cable on your caravan is not only a safety feature, but also a legal requirement for vans over 750kg. Read our guide on what you need to know.
How To Load A Caravan Correctly
Regardless of how experienced you are, a reminder on how to load your caravan safely can only be a good thing. Read our guide to what you need to know.
Cleaning The Exterior Of Your Caravan
Cleaning your caravan is not only essential to keep it looking in tip top condition, but also a great way to spot any potential issues. Read our guide.
How To Avoid Caravan Snaking
Your caravan snaking can be a heart stopping moment, but there are some things that you can do to minimise the risk. Read our guide to what you need to know
5 Of The Best Dog Friendly UK Caravan Sites
Finding a great caravan site that is also dog friendly is a priority for a lot of people. We have found 5 fantastic sites that are definitely worth a try.
Outsmart The Thief And Protect Your Motorhome Or Caravan
Caravan and motorhome security has never been so important. Outsmart the Thief have launched their new Titanium system which is unique in the industry.
What Does A B&E Driving Licence Involve?
If you want to tow a trailer or caravan, then you'll need to make sure that you have the B&E part added to your driving licence, which may mean another test
What You Need To Know About The Consumer Rights Act 2015
Implemented in October 2015, the Consumer Rights Act 2015 replaces the Consumer Contract Regs. These rights apply every time you buy goods and services.
Tyresafe Now Offer An Online Checking Service
If you need to know what the tyre pressures are for your car or caravan, the new online checking service from Tyresafe is just what you need.
Lifesure sponsors local Team GB Dragon Boat racing team
Lifesure are proud to sponsor the team GB Dragon boat racing team.
Top 5 caravan and motorhome family festivals in the UK
We've had a look at some of the best festivals in the UK for families with caravans and motorhomes.
Buying travel insurance? Make sure you’re covered
Before you go away, it’s important you have the right cover for the type of trip you are going on.
Self Converted Motorhome and Campervan Insurance
You’ve purchased the van, gone through the highs and lows of self-converting (or perhaps even used an expert company) to create your home away from home, and now it’s time to sort the insurance.
Half of Brits ready to quit the rat race
According to new research half of Brits are on the edge of quitting their job and driving off into the sunset.
Advice for travelling abroad during the Brexit transition period
In short, you don't need to do anything differently when planning a trip to the EU.
Lifesure receives Feefo Platinum Trusted Service Award
An independent seal of excellence that recognises businesses for delivering exceptional experiences, as rated by real customers.
Coronavirus (Covid-19), Our Customers Frequently Asked Questions.
We’ve put together some FAQ’s as to why it’s still important to protect your pride and joy with essential insurance in place.
Your #Staycation news digest
Keep ahead of the curve with our regular updates on just what's happening with caravan and holiday home sites across the UK.
We've Been Shortlisted!
We're delighted to announce that we have been shortlisted for three industry awards!
Rewarding our park home customers through 'Refer a Friend'
Introducing our park home 'Refer a Friend' reward scheme. A great way to share great information with your friends, old and new, and benefit at the same time!
What are the benefits of using a broker?
There are a number of ways to purchase insurance policies; maybe you buy direct, through a comparison website like comparethemarket or by contacting a broker. With so many options and deals to consider, it can be a minefield of information to sift through. So, let us try and clarify some of the jargon so you can find the best deal.
Motorhome insurance, have you got everything covered?
If you are looking to buy a motorhome or renewing your motorhome insurance, it’s worth considering a few important factors to make sure you are purchasing the right cover that suits the type of trips you think you will take.
Rewarding our static caravan customers through 'Refer a Friend'
Introducing our static caravan 'Refer a Friend' reward scheme. A great way to share great information with your friends, old and new, and benefit at the same time!
How to make the most of a UK summer Staycation
With quarantine and travel restrictions changing regularly and the vaccination rollout in different countries varying, the UK has seen a huge increase in summer vacations. Take a look at some of the handy tips, advice and hidden treasures we have put together.
Leisure battery performance
If you own a caravan or motorhome, its important to be aware of the number of factors that could affect your leisure battery performance.
Customer Care Champion
Providing exceptional service is our priority at Lifesure, which is why we offer additional support to our customers through our Customer Care Champion!
New FCA rules to protect car and homeowners
The Financial Conduct Authority have set out new rules for insurance companies to protect car and homeowners. Nick Long, Head of Insurance at Lifesure explains what the new FCA rules mean and what to look out for.
Protecting your park home from water damage
Water damage is the second largest cause of park home claims and in some situations, this can cause considerable problems. Learn some of the common issues you can look out for and how you can minimise the risk to your park home.
Motorhome Refer a Friend scheme
Introducing our motorhome and campervan 'Refer a Friend' reward scheme. A great way to share great information with your friends, old and new, and benefit at the same time!
Summer Travel Advice – How to avoid passport pitfalls and tips for driving in Europe
Travelling abroad this summer? We’ve taken a look at the changes in passport requirements that we think you should know about before you book a trip to Europe. Plus top tips on driving in the EU from The RAC.
We are celebrating 50 years of trading in 2022!
We are delighted to announce that this year marks an important milestone in our company's history, as we enter our 51st year of business. Lifesure was established by Colin Barnes in 1972 and remains a family-owned business based in St Neots, to this day!
A Sweet Treat Fit for a Queen
If you’re looking for some baking inspiration, why not have a go at recreating the celebratory jubilee pudding created by the winner of the Fortnum & Mason platinum pudding competition. The perfect dessert for any jubilee celebration!
How to Plan a Great Campervan Trip
For those who are new to campervan holidays, we have compiled a list of useful tips to help you plan an enjoyable break on the road.
The New Rules of the Road 2022 – What’s Changed?
Road safety will be high on your list of priorities, particularly if you drive a Campervan, Motorhome or tow a caravan. You may have missed the updates to the Highway Code earlier this year, so we’ve highlighted what we think you should know to ensure your safety, and the safety of other vulnerable road users, when you’re on the road.
Lifesure Campervan Customer Story
To celebrate our 50th anniversary, we’re sharing some stories from our long-standing customers, highlighting the experiences they’ve had in their park homes and vehicles. Our first Customer is Pete, a Campervan owner, who has been a Lifesure customer for over 19 years.
Our Park Home Customers Share Their Story
To celebrate our 50th anniversary, two of our longstanding Park home customers share their experience of park home living.
Is Park Home Living Right for Me?
Are you considering about the prospect of a park home lifestyle? We’re sharing with you some key points for consideration, before buying a park home.
Campervan Space Saving Solutions
Anyone who owns a campervan will know you need to pack wisely to avoid an over cluttered van. Here we share with you some space saving solutions
10 Great Places to Retire in the UK
Are you planning your retirement? We share with you 10 great places to retire, in the UK.
Preparing your Park Home Garden for Winter
As summer wanes and seasonal blooms begin to wither, it’s time to prepare your garden for the winter ahead, and the spring that will follow. Read our article for your autumn gardening schedule
Ways to Reduce Your Park Home Energy Costs
With energy costs set to rise in October 2022, here we share with you some ways in which you can save on your energy bills.
Securing Your Park Home
Living in a park home can feel much safer than living in a house or bungalow, but we’ve put together a list of things you can do to further secure your home.
What is a Leisure Battery and Why Do I Need One?
If you’re a new motorhome or campervan owner, you may have questions surrounding the function of a leisure battery. Our article explains why you need one and how to prolong battery life
Tips for Winter Caravanning
Want to know what makes a great winter caravanning holiday? Preparation! Read our article to discover how you can make yours a pleasant and more cosy experience.
Preparing Your Park Home for Winter
If you haven’t yet set about winterproofing your home for the colder months ahead, there’s still time to do so. Discover the things you can do to make park home living during the winter months a much safer and more comfortable experience.
Preparing Your Static Caravan for Winter
Uninhabited Static Caravans can be host to several problems, brought on by winter weather conditions. Find out how you can prepare and protect yours, this winter!
Protecting Your Motorhome from Theft
Stealing motorhomes is as lucrative as stealing supercars. Follow our Guide to Protecting Your Motorhome from Theft, to ensure thieves don’t profit from yours!
Memories of Lifesure - car insurance customer
To celebrate 50 years of trading, we’ve been sharing stories from some of our longstanding customers to mark the golden business milestone.
The Sun Sets on a Golden Year of Celebrations
As 2022 draws to a close, we look back on what we did to celebrate 50 years of trading in a summary of our golden milestone.
Vehicle Breakdown Insurance with RAC - What to do in the event of a breakdown
Lifesure’s Vehicle breakdown insurance with RAC - Some useful things to know in an emergency.
The Importance of Getting Repair Work Agreed by Your Insurer
Getting repair work agreed by your insurer is essential. We’ve outlined things to consider before registering a claim.
Storing Your Motorhome - 3 Minute Read
Storing your motorhome is something that needs careful consideration. Read our article for an explanation of the storage endorsements on our motorhome policy
Static Caravan Site Fees – A 2023 Guide
Static Caravan Site Fees – A 2023 Guide to what to expect when you site your static caravan on a holiday park.
NAPHR Park Homeowners Handy Guide
NAPHR park homeowners handy guide; cutting through the jargon within the ‘Blue Book’. Find out how you can get a copy, today!
Renting Out Your Static Caravan
Thinking about renting out your static caravan? Our article explores what you need to know before you make the decision to sublet.
Pitchup Reveal the Most Dog-Friendly Campsites for 2023!
Looking for dog-friendly campsites? Market leading online accommodation booking platform, Pitchup have shared with us reasons why camping is good for your dog and the best dog friendly campsites for 2023!
Locking Yourself out of Your Vehicle – What to do
Locking yourself out of your vehicle can be frustrating, but our article explains what you can do if you find yourself in this situation.
Taking Your Motorhome to Europe – What you need to know
Taking your motorhome to Europe? Read our guide to make ensure you’re well prepared for your trip across the water.
Driving Your Motorhome – Tips for Beginners
Driving Your Motorhome for the first time? Read our article which explains what you need to know for hassle free driving
Driving a Right-Hand Drive Abroad
Driving a right-hand drive abroad for the first time? Read our guide to staying safe on the road.
Tips For Keeping Cool in a Motorhome, Campervan or Touring Caravan
Tips for keeping cool in a motorhome, campervan or touring caravan. Discover more in our easy-to-read guide.
A Guide to Cleaning Your Motorhome Water Tank
A Guide to cleaning your motorhome water tank – learn how to prevent the build-up of harmful bacteria and keep illness at bay.
15 Useful Apps for Motorhome and Caravanning
15 Useful Apps for Motorhome and Caravanning – Campsite finders, navigation apps and more!
Buying a Motorhome – A Guide for Beginners
Thinking of buying a motorhome? Read our guide for everything you need to know.
Motor Insurance Premiums Hit Record High in 2023
Motor Insurance Premiums – Discover why insurance costs are at a record high in 2023
Lifesure Group Limited acquired by Gallagher
Today we can announce that Lifesure Group Limited (Lifesure) has been acquired by Gallagher.
Product Review - Westfalia Bikelander
Struggling to find a bike rack for your Toyota Alphard campervan? Discover the Westfalia Bikelander LED Light Enhancements Towball Mounted Tilting 2 Bicycle Carrier in our short review.
Campsite Review -Town Farm Campsite
Campsite review. Read more about our experience at Town Farm Campsite, situated in the Chilterns.
Three good reasons to take out Motor Legal Expenses and Substitute Vehicle Cover
Legal fees can be expensive. Discover three good reasons to take out Motor Legal Expenses and Substitute Vehicle Cover in our short article.
Motorhome Essentials Guide
Motorhome Essentials – Find out what you need for your motorhome adventures in our handy guide.
RAC Breakdown Cover – What’s in it for you?
RAC Breakdown Cover – What’s in it for you? Find out more in our product update, from RAC.
Winter Campervanning Essentials
Winter campervanning essentials - Discover what you need for great winter vanlife adventures.
RAC - Motorhome and Campervan Owner Driving Habits Revealed
Motorhome and Campervan Owner Driving Habits Revealed – Discover the results of our 2023 survey, carried out in conjunction with RAC.
Campsite Review – The Hidden Hideaway
Looking for your next campervan adventure? Read our review of The Hidden Hideaway campsite; a rural gem in the stunning Leicestershire countryside.
Lifesure partners with Premier Parks
Lifesure is thrilled to be partnering with Premier Parks, supporting motorhome, campervan and caravan owners with feature packed insurance.
Winter Tyres: Mandatory Requirements for Winter Travel in Europe
Winter Tyres: Do you know the mandatory requirements in Europe? Read our article to learn more.
Winter Driving – Road Safety Tips For Driving a Motorhome or Towing a Caravan
Winter driving can be tricky when driving a motorhome or towing a caravan. Learn our top road safety tips, for winter adventuring.
Static Caravan Sum Insured - The Importance of Getting it Right
Static Caravan Sum Insured – Learn about why it’s so important to get it right in our short article.
The ECO4 Scheme for Park Homeowners: Unlocking Energy Efficiency
Discover how the ECO4 Scheme offers free eco grants to park homeowners, enabling energy-efficient upgrades and reducing bills. Check your eligibility and seize the opportunity for a greener, cost-effective home!
Navigating the Road Safely - Avoiding Common Towing Mistakes
Discover the secret to caravan safety and learn about common towing mistakes to avoid on the road.
Caravan Safety Tips: Towing in Windy Conditions
Tow with confidence – read our tips for caravan safety and towing in windy conditions.
Celebrating 10 Years of Trusted Service
We’re proud recipients of the Feefo Platinum Trusted Service Award for a fourth consecutive year! Read more about it here.
Fire Risks - How Safe Are Park Homes?
Learn about fire risks and why park homes are a safe choice for those seeking comfort and security.
Upgrading Your Static Caravan: Navigating Caravan Age Restrictions on Site
Discover our guide to upgrading your static caravan in the UK. Uncover insights on site caravan age restrictions, compliance with park regulations, and tips for a seamless transition.
Spring Into Action - Tips for Park Home Spring Maintenance
Explore essential spring maintenance tips for park homeowners including exterior maintenance, garden care, and interior refreshes to give your park home a spring uplift.
What to Do If You Fill Up with the Wrong Fuel
Filled up with the wrong fuel? Don’t panic! Our guide explains the steps to take if you’ve accidentally put petrol in a diesel car or diesel in a petrol vehicle.
Downsizing to a Park Home
Downsizing to a park home can offer financial savings, a simpler lifestyle, and new friendships. Discover its benefits and tips for a smooth transition into park home living
Autumn Park Home Maintenance Tips
Autumn Park home maintenance tips to keep your park home safe and warm. Learn how maintenance affects comfort, safety, and insurance premiums.
Getting Insurance After a Driving Conviction
Convicted driver insurance can be costly. Learn how driving convictions affect insurance rates, how insurers assess risk, and steps you can take to lower your premiums.
Winterising Your Motorhome: A Guide for Storage and Winter Travel
Winterising your motorhome is essential whether you're storing it or planning winter adventures. Discover tips for preparing your motorhome for winter and key winter motorhome checks.
Motorhoming on Muddy Campsites – How to not get stuck
Motorhoming in Muddy Campsites – Read our guide on tips, equipment, and what to do if you get bogged down in mud.
LPG for Motorhomes, Caravans and Campervans: What You Need to Know
LPG is an essential fuel source for motorhome, caravan and campervan off-grid adventures. Learn more about what it is, why owners use it, available options, and tips on finding LPG.
Best Motorhome Destinations for a UK Holiday
Be inspired for your next motorhome trip in the UK with our guide to some of the best destinations for motorhome travellers.
Park Home and Holiday Living Residential Park of the Year 2024 awards
The winner of the Park Home and Holiday Living Residential Park of the Year 2024, sponsored by Lifesure, has been revealed! Discover the winning park in our article.
Motorhome Security and Safety Tips for On and Off the Road
Help keep your motorhome and passengers safe on your adventures with our essential safety tips and must-have features for motorhomes in our specialist guide.
The Motorhome Maintenance Checklist
From tyres to internal appliances and everything in between, keep your motorhome running smoothly with our motorhome maintenance checklist.
Minimum Tread Depth for Caravan Tyres: Caravan Tyre Safety Advice
Read our guide to caravan tyre safety, from legal tread depth to maintenance tips, for safety, compliance, and peace of mind on the road.
Buying a Touring Caravan
Discover what you need to know about buying a touring caravan, from new and used models to weight requirements, towing tips, and maintenance information.
Buying a Campervan | The Best Time and Where to Buy
Buying a campervan? Learn the best times of year to buy, explore trusted buying options, and get specialist tips to find your perfect match.
10 UK Campervan Events to Attend in 2025
Discover 10 campervan events to attend in 2025 across the UK. Don’t miss out on exciting shows, music, and vanlife celebrations!
Feefo Platinum Trusted for Five Consecutive Years
We’ve received the Feefo Platinum Trusted for the fifth year running! Read more about it here
Protecting Your Park Home from Storm Damage
Protecting your park home from storm damage is essential for winter. Discover expert tips on reinforcing windows, securing outdoor items, and improving drainage to prevent flooding.
Preparing your Caravan for Touring Season
Following our guide on safety checks to carry out to prepare your caravan for touring season.
Preparing Your Static Caravan for Holiday Season
Ensure your static caravan is holiday season ready with our preparation guide!
Understand your caravan’s electrics to keep it running efficiently
Get to grips with how your caravan electrics work from internal appliances, to heating and water pumps, for a safe and stress-free caravan holiday.