Directing you to the right people in case of a breakdown is high on our priority list, so if you have taken out Lifesure’s vehicle breakdown insurance with RAC, then here are the things you need to know in an emergency.
You should contact RAC, by phone in the first instance. The phone number for the RAC Breakdown Recovery Service is in your vehicle breakdown insurance schedule and is also in the policy wording sent to you, when you took out your cover with RAC. If you do not have access to the policy wording, you can view it on our website. However, if you are stuck in the fast lane of a motorway or dual carriageway and feel you are in immediate danger, call 999 first.

RAC vehicle breakdown insurance, through Lifesure includes:
Roadside Assistance (or 'roadside recovery') can help in situations where you break down over ¼ mile away from your home address. RAC will try to fix the problem on the spot, and if they are unable to, they will tow you to a local garage.
At Home breakdown allows you to request help if you break down on your driveway, or within ¼ mile of your home, for issues such as a flat battery on a freezing morning.
Vehicle Recovery means RAC will tow your vehicle to a garage if the problem cannot be fixed on the spot. Passengers, caravans, and trailers will also be recovered and taken to a location agreed with the driver, within the UK.

Onward Travel in the UK means that if your vehicle cannot be fixed by your planned departure date and you are within 24 hours of your planned departure date, a hire car will be arranged for the continuation of your trip for up to 14 consecutive days or until the vehicle has been fixed, if sooner. Requests following a road traffic collision are not covered.
Mis-fuel Rescue if your vehicle has broken down due to a mis-fuel, in the UK, subject to limitations.
Option to upgrade to European cover - Terms and conditions, limitations, exclusions, and acceptance criteria apply.

What information will I need when I call RAC?
- Your name or Vehicle Breakdown Insurance policy number
- Identification such as a bank card or driving licence
- The vehicle’s make, model, and registration number
- The exact location of the vehicle - the road you are on or the nearest road junction
- The number of the phone you are using
- The cause of the breakdown if you know it
- Your credit card if you need other services

Feature rich vehicle breakdown cover from RAC is just a phone call away! Why not speak to one of our friendly Customer Advisers to find out more on 01480 402 460
Further information and policy wording can be found here: