Did you know that not getting repair work agreed by your insurer could jeopardise your claim?
This scenario can occur when the work to be carried out as part of a claim escalates, falling outside of the original quote agreed with the insurer, resulting in additional repair costs you didn’t expect to pay. The insurer will only settle a claim on repair work that it agrees to.
To make sure this doesn’t happen to you, we have outlined some things for consideration before registering a claim.
Often smaller jobs become bigger, but that doesn’t mean the work required will be covered by your insurance policy. Before you contact your insurance provider, it is vital that you know exactly what your policy covers you for; you can find this information in your policy wording. If you are still unsure about what is covered, speak to your insurance provider.

It may be tempting to go ahead with the work before it has been agreed with your insurer, but this could result in non-payment. Waiting for the work to be agreed can prevent some nasty surprises and a hefty bill - which you could end up having to settle out of your own pocket.
If further work is needed, outside of the original work agreed by your insurer, then you must reopen the claim and supply more photos and quotations for the extra work necessary. It is also important to be honest about the work that needs to be done because exaggerating the extent of the damage may also result in a claim being rejected.
Check your policy wording, which can be found on our website.